Thursday 1 June 2017


Our lives are like books with many pages;
some pages are colorful,
some pages are beautiful,
others are memorable.
But there are times the pages changes.
Some pages are sad,
Some pages are painful,
Some pages are mistakes.

If life is a book, with many pages. So why do we allow the painful, sad and mistakes to change the whole story. When it should just be a part of the story.
Never let a mistake in the past, determine the course of your entire life. Mistakes are lies, so why do we live with the lies. It’s time to let go of the mistakes.
Do the correction and continue the beautiful story of your life.

Everyday wake up to your dreams and goals, as if you have no problems or faults or mistakes. We all make mistakes, whatever mistake or misfortune you are going through is normal. You are not the first to do it or go through it and certainly you won't be the last. There is nothing new under the sun. So today on this page I want you to promise me that". You will not let a single mistake determine your fate.

You are bigger than your problems.
You are smarter than your mistake.
You future is brighter than your past.
Every problem has a solution.
Every mistake has a correction.
Every future has a past.

If Life were perfect we would have not been given pencils with erasers on top of it when we were growing up as kids. So don't magnify the mistake, it’s just a mirage on the road in this our journey of life. Always learn to say "it is well" when you come across the failure, pain, accident, debt, disgrace, shame, trouble and problems because they are all just lies. They are not what they seem to be, just like a mirage on a road is not real.
They just scare us from afar, but when we mount courage to face them, they diminish and disappear.

One thing most people do not know is that "What you fear, also fears you."
Fear means
F - False
E - Evidence
A - Appearing
A- Real.

Sometimes it means
F -Failure
E- Expected
A -And
R- Received

If you face and confront it, it will disappear. But if you run and panic it will chase and pursue you. Self Confidence is stronger than the strongest demon.
So be bold, be brave, be confident be courageous. You can deal with it and overcome it.

Next time when you hear the word fear let it mean
F - Face
E - Everything
A - And
R – Rise

Problems must come for us to overcome them. That's what we are here to do on earth.
Yes you can solve problems, yes you reading this.
Yes you can, so do not let a single mistakes ruin your entire life.
Do not let a single problem determine your fate.

Because life is a beautiful book with many pages.

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