Friday 15 September 2017


Written By: SoloHitz 
I met a friend a of mine from primary school who is now a footballer and he said to me: SoloHiz my football team is trying to undermine my potential, they prefer I play in defence instead of playing as a striker (goalscorer), anytime I play in defence I really don't feel acccomplished and fulfilled am really worried and confused and this is affecting me.

Then I answered him and said: You have to be patient, play at the current position they have given you and wait for your time. Very soon a day will come all the strikers(goalscorers) will be unavailable either through injury, suspension or sickness and there they will look for somebody to fill that position, and there and then you will step up and take that role and play it well because you have been waiting and preparing for it so much.
Then I told him two stories which am about to share with you too. First was a story about a young man who when he was in basic school was in the cadet and the school was preparing for a competition, then the cadet leader who was very good fell sick and the teachers just chose him to stand in for him during the trainings and preparations just temporary. As the days went by the competition day came the main cadet leader has already return but the teachers chose the temporary substitute to lead the cadet team because they realised he was better even though he wasnt the main man and that was his time and it surely came and he made them proud.

A lot of people may be familiar with this football legend called #Abedi_Pelewho was an African best footballer in his time but what most people did not know was that he was the youngest guy who was just added to the Ghana black stars squad. He was just a reserved player, not being given any play time not even as a substitute until one day the senior players who play same role as him where all unavailble and he was just handed over the role to play so that the team will be up to number. And on that day his time came and nobody could stop him. From then everything changed.

Most of us in life make the mistake of wanting everything here and now. This our generation is looking for everything quick and fast so we have:#fast_food#fast_success#fast_promotion#fast_money#fast_popularity and #fast_marriage. We just don't have the patience to wait and prepare adequately for the right moment. Like we always say God's time is the best and still remains the best, but we also love shortcuts so so much that we don't only love it on our phones and computers and text messages but we want it in everything in life too. And just like my great pastor Mensa Otabil said to me in his preaching ''You Can't take Shortcuts to Greatness''

The final story I want to share with you is that of my own Motivational Mentor Les Brown and he said to me hey SoloHitz my first time I was on radio I went to so many places they rejected me but I kept going to one particular station everyday and the manager got tired of sacking me and ask me to hang around for no pay and I was more than blessed to at lease see the console room and see how it was operated. I stayed there and watched how the shows and presenter controls the consoles and talks to the audience. For several weeks I was just an errand boy at the radio station, but I was happy to be sent in and out of the control room and get the chance to get close to the equipments and see how it is operated. Then one day the main guy fell so sick with cold and he coudn't be on air, all the standby guys had all gone home but I was there still hanging round waiting for some good news, immediately the manager called I quickly run to answer and he asked Les Brown are you in the studio and I said YES SIR with excitement, then he asked is there any of the senior guys there and I said NO SIR, then he asked hey my main guy is sick can you operate the console and just hold up for him with some music and less talk and I said with joy YES SIR.

After that call, Les Brown called his mother and said mum you son is about to go on air tune in and listen.That day was his break and that day was his time and dream come but I didn't happen on his first day neither did he quit because he was impatient but he waited for his time and it did arrive.

So let this message of mine help you in your schooling, work life, career, pastoral ministry, music dream or any vision. And to my fellow entrepreneurs both network, online, affiliate marketers just keep going, keep preparing whiles waiting patiently for that breakthrough so NEVER QUIT, DON'T GIVE UP.

By: Solomon Botchway ~ Solohitz

Speaker || Author || Poet || MC
For bookings and speaking engagements to inspire youth and groups contact #SoloGates_Consults on +233241424991.

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