Friday 12 February 2016


In life there are times you know exactly what to do, and you do it because you can do it at that time.

At other times you know exactly what you have to do, but you are not available to do it, so you tell someone to do it for you, and you direct them how they should do it.

But the difficult one is, the one when you are aware you just do not know what to do about this particular situation. Then you ask yourself " what do I do when I don't know what to do"

We find ourselves in this situation several times whiles in college, in a relationship, in marriage,  at work, at home and alone. And those are tough times, because you just don't have any idea what to do.

This is the point called, looking beyond you.
Difficult situations, need people greater than yourself to show you the way.

There is a proverb that says the point an old man will see sitting, the young child may climb the highest mountain and still not see.

The famous King David in the Bible, lost everything whiles away in the field to his enemies, and when he returned they were long gone after many days. He also did not know what to do, because he did not know anything about the direction they took and where the enemies had gone.

But when he made enquiry and called for help, soon his herculean task became a Mission is possible rather than a Mission Impossible.

Just as you need a doctor, lawyer or pastor when you are in difficulty, you need a counselor, a mentor, a life coach or a motivational speaker to help you when you do not know what to do.

So next time you find yourself in this situation call for help, from a friend, family member, an experienced person or someone who has been in that situation to help you and show you how they got through.

They say two heads are better than one, so make sure you find a better head to add to yours and help you out. Remember not just any head. 

Thanks for reading. Send your comments.

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