Monday 14 August 2017



Once upon a time a woman named Hannah, who had  an issue of barrenness as a major setback and she was a laughing stock for her rivals.

One day she wakes up and goes to the house of God to pray without any pastor or man of God and she addressed her current crisis. Then a prophet sees her agony and just says whatever you are looking for a year by now may you have it, this prophet did not know the prayer topic of Hannah, but just forward her request to God and in a years time she had her baby called Samuel.

My great grand father Napoleon Hill yes the author of "#Think_and_grow_Rich" wrote a book titled "#Outwitting_the_Devil" in that book he had an interview with he Devil trying to find out how he has destroyed a lot of life's and potential with his influence by causing people to drift from God and their destiny and become preys to his schemes of sickness, failure, hopelessness and many more by keeping them down and locking up their mouths from calling to God for help.

When you are in trouble and someone is in your house trying to steal, kill or destroy you or your property what's the first this you do, you pick up your phone and you dial 911 that is a call and that is where you make your communication and your request and immediately you get a human response.

1. Prayer is a communication Between Man and God.

2. If you do not pray, You do not Communicate.

Jesus was a man who had crowds all around him and there were so many churches and places of worship and even sometimes people do not allow him to enter.

So one day he wakes up early in the morning goes to a park where the access is free and the usage is unresisted there he goes at a quite time and prays to talk to his father in Heaven. (Mark 1:35)

He was communication
He was reporting his enemies
He was addressing his problems
He was asking for backup
He was looking for solution
He was finding answers

We are in a world were the Devil is our enemy and he is looking for people to afflict with sickness and failure to keep them mute from ever praying and if possible to make them believe there is no God to help them.

Our minds are our homes.
The devil is the thief that breaks in to steal and confuse with negative thoughts.
When he is there, all he wishes is for you never to make that 911 call to God.

Whatever problem you are going through today I just want you to know 5 months ago I went through hell on earth, I was miserable, helpless and defensive the Devil invaded my home and raided my house and I was all tied down I couldn't move and save my household, I just stood there and watched him have his way and make fun of me. Not physically but spiritually and mentally.

But I remembered I didn't really need a phone before calling God, I could speak to him in my heart and I could call for help with my mouth by prayer and I didn't believe God would help me and locate me and come to my Rescue but I just had no choice than to believe and today I can boldly sing with Travis Greene on his song  "You made a Way, When our backs were against the and it looks as if it was over"

If God did it for me and rescued me, He CAN DO IT FOR YOU TOO.

Jeremiah 33:3

If GOD MISSES YOUR FIRST CALL of prayer, Keep calling its called:

If you do not pray, You are not calling for help and the only person who losses is the one not talking because SILENCE MEANS CONSENT.

By: Solomon Botchway Motivation
Motivational Speaker || Preacher || Author

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