Tuesday 21 August 2018


This article is a testimony about the Business that changed the life of a street hawker and puff loaf seller to a rich young entrepreneur.

A lot of people do not know that, to every glory there is a story. Most people never hear the painful stories behind the glories of most people's success. At times we just look at what people have earned instead of what they have learned. So today I want to share with you a personal testimony of myself and a friend. And how you can also learn from this success story, to turn your life from failure to success and from rags to riches.

In the year 2015, I met a guy who was in High Senior (SHS), by that time he was preparing to write his final year exams. By then I had finished university and happily working in the government service full time. So I met this guy at a business meeting, he had just began by using his exams and school fees to start a business. I got to know him shortly and we became good friends because we had the same name but the truth is, the guy was very wise and always willing to learn and do something about his poverty and financial situation. We started doing a multi-level marketing business, but the first company wasn't treating us well so we all left and everybody went back to their old lives, I went to my government job which I was still doing and my friend went to selling puff loaves on the streets of Ashiaman a suburb in Accra which he was also doing alongside.
I was living a comfortable life, at least every month I get a salary and some travelling around and workshops in nice hotels across the country, life was good and going well for me. But I knew the multi-level marketing business had good potential and can help build a strong financial life for the future, because I understood how good it is for everyone who tries it and makes the mind to make it work.
But I had other personal businesses especially my motivational speaking and spoken word career also going so I had a lot on my hands coupled with an entrepreneurship foundation for universities called PSSL Foundation, which means Problem Solvers Successful Leaders Foundation which I started earlier in the same year. And I was committed to doing all these businesses at the same time. Trying to find a balance for all these was a bit challenging for me.

In 2016, this my friend came to me to show me a new business he had discovered at my government office and he told me it's called LONGRICH INTERNATIONAL and he gave me all the materials I needed to read about it then I told him, I want to quit my job so we do it together but he said I should stay at my job after all it's Okay at least, because at that time he himself had just started LONGRICH and was struggling himself so he cannot assure me of any success and he doesn't know whether this one too will collapse like the previous ones. I told him, me I have made up my mind to do business and not do jobs but he said oh Solo, stay here in your office you have a place of work, you have income, just continue. So I stayed and from that moment I concentrated 100% building a motivational speaking career.
Fast forward in 2017 we were all working in LONGRICH and we were always doing our motivational write ups on facebook and stuff. I had so much on my plate and I couldn't really focus on the LONGRICH business but I made a promise to myself, am going to deeply understand this industry and this strange and different business module called multi-level marketing and to understand so as to be able to help even the common lay man who has no business acumen in his blood to succeed in it and change his or her financial life. That's why am a motivational speaker, to find the HOW and to show the world the HOW TO DO IT.

However I called my friend and told him, a lot of people do this business and fail, but I want to understand the mindset, the framework and the logic behind it to unlock the secrets to how to do network marketing and succeed.
Furthermore I told him, bro you are doing this full time and it's gradually working for you so am going to use you as a case study and see how we can show the world that, ordinary high school students and street hawkers of puff loaves can understand network business and change their lives using the awesome opportunity offered by LONGRICH INTERNATIONAL.

For the first two to three months business was bad, he was working hard but was getting no results, so he quit and went back selling puff loves and to look for job as a technician with ECG. His monthly pay was so appalling to the point that he couldn't continue but quit ECG, but a good woman he had in his life, encourage him to try Longrich again. This time he told himself, he is not going to work hard but rather work smart. And he got some support from other people because he didn't have money, he had desire and drive that made people to support him financially so that he can work and see some light.

By the middle of 2017, this my friend got the chance to start international travels thanks to Longrich and what excited me was when he called me to come and go check up some cars at a showroom at that time we all were just learning to drive, in fact we didn't know how to drive. Finally by the end of 2017, I was so happy my friend had made a big achievement of qualifying for a free brand new car, we thought only big and rich people people at the top can make it and nobody believed a young SHS leaver without even a high school certificate could stand a chance of earning a free car with salaries of directors in companies somewhere else, thanks to LONGRICH amazing compensation plan. When my friend achieved this, it changed my whole perspective and I realized, LONGRICH is a network business that can turn you from rags to riches no matter who you are and when you come in or join. In most traditional companies or private business or government agencies when you get to level like this you stay there and but its surprising in LONGRICH in particular, you rather get more income weekly and more car and travel incentives all for free and for keeps. This is too good to be true.

Fast forward in 2018 my friend calls me again and says SoloHitz I have qualified for another car, for international trips and now my weekly pay is more than a company's CEO somewhere. I was so happy and I said to him Eureka, I have found it, Eurekra we have cracked the code. Now I am more than certain that not just any network business but LONGRICH International, is truly better life and better future. It has taken me 3yrs just sharpening my axe and learning and going deep to understand the hidden secrets of how to do network marketing and succeeding. Because not just anybody but the person who truly and deeply understands the dynamics of succeeding can make you succeed by guiding you along the way. A lot of people get disappointed in networking business because they were led by the wrong people who truly did do not understand what they were doing and the people who introduced them just wanted to use them for their selfish gains. Business is not about just family and friends, or who told you first, or the person who introduced you first or whose team you belong, but rather the person who knows the reason why some fail whiles others succeed and can make you also succeed. Some people succeed but they don't know how to duplicate success in others. But we have the discovered the almighty formular. In two years my friend and brother has two cars, I have worked for government for 4 yrs so I can tell you for sure, there is something better somewhere, you just don't know and nobody has told you. This is a true life story of a young man of age 22 with 2 cars doing Longrich Business after starting life as a street hawker and puff loaves seller. Now here are the moral lessons of this exciting life experience.

1. He made a huge sacrifice and took a big risk with his school fees at the beginning to start a business, that was a price he paid for the prize.

2. When you are given an opportuinity take it, don't reject it with excuses. If we both had never taken this business we both might never have met and you won't be reading this success story today.

3. Don't be alone in undertaking any life endervour, bible says two is always better than one. When you get into a place find a friend and form a team, this is very crucial for success.

4. Have someone in your life who encourages you to try again after you fail at first. Indeed behind every successful man is a woman, ladies encourage your men in diffficult times.

5. When you find yourself doing something and its appalling find something better, because there is always something better that you have to find and benefit from. Don't stay and continue doing what is not working and what you dont love, it will waste your precious time and you will miss other important opportuinities.

6. If you can't get to a place at a point in time, help and suport someone to also get there, don't be a stumbling block, be a pipeline.

On this note, we want to tell the world about our Longrich business, not because of the gains in it alone but how it is able to reshape your life and reset your mindset to see the opportunities that are all around you but your eyes are closed to them. We want to tell you, We are proud of LONGRICH INTERNATIONAL and we are not ashamed about being Network Marketers because your NET WORK determines your NET WORTH.

If you are business minded.
If you have dreams for a better life.
If you have money that you want to do something meaningful with it, then you have what it takes to join us and do our Longrich business, because Longrich is established in 138 countries and you can start right here with us today the only external thing you need is a true leader and right team who can help you create the right mindset and take you to the dream land.

AUTHOR Solomon Botchway SoloHitz
Speaker || Entrepreneur || Business Coach || Personal Development Consultant||

Inbox me on facebook messenger  for more details to joining and starting your Longrich Business today. 

Whatsapp me : https://wa.me/233241424991 for any further enquiries concerning this article: +233241424991

Watch brief true life documentary
This is a true life story of a young man of age 22 with 2 cars doing Longrich Business after starting life as a street hawker and puff loaves seller.

Watch out for Part 2 - My Story (Coming Soon)
NB: This is a true personal life story of two friends Solomon Botchway and Solomon Okyere and their journey in network marketing and their association with Longrich Ghana Ltd and Longrich International.

Please don't copy this article and edit the contents herein to mislead other people into thinking otherwise, I trust and know you won't do that because of your integrity and credibility, feel free to share as it is to tell our story and testimony about the Business of the 21st Century, which most people are yet to accept and try.

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